Hello There

About Me
My Pix
Poetry List
Hoax Index
My MC World
SabMag FAQ
Biker Camping
Site Map

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Well, Hey There!

Welcome to my home

For those of you who do not already know me, my name is Allan Purl. For those of you who do, well, sorry about that.

About me


While you are here,

You my friend, are my honored Guest


To view what you are about to see,

is to embark on a journey into into another dimension of time and space, a dimension known only as     cyberspace.

To repeat a modern twist of an old cliché, a journey of a thousand sites, begins with just a single click.

I have put together a collection of various links and creations. Some of which are my own, some of which are not.

You will note that I have not posted anything which is not mine within the content of my pages without the author's permission, merely links to the outside cyber world.

Take a moment to look at my motorcycling world. If you enjoy the outdoors, then you really should be on two wheels. In my not so humble opinion, motorcycling is composed of most of the best things in life.

Check it out.


On this next link, you will find my personal photo gallery. Some of the pictures will be better than others

My pix


Due to the increases of recent email messages being forwarded and passed around regarding various warnings of all kinds, some of which are bogus, I have included a set of links that will allow you to easily verify whether the message you have received is a hoax or real.


Is it real or is it a hoax?

Take a look and see for yourself.


And then there are other items of interest.

It's definitely worth taking a look at!

Well, go on, it won't bite, I promise.

Questions, comments, suggestions? Let me know!


Site Map